About Me

This is me right before my first triathlon in 2008'

Instead of my credentials, (which are available under the credentials tabs for those who are interested) let me share with you my story of WHY I became a personal trainer, which I believe is at the very heart and core of everything I do and teach my clients.

My healthy lifestyle wasn't the result of a life or death event, a snap decision, a 100 lbs weight loss success or some other sensational story. It started with a sickness. When I was a newly wed I was a normal 20 something year old, not exceptionally fit or healthy but not exceptionally overweight or out of shape. I was average. But I was also strangely ill. I dealt with severe gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, headaches, and chronic illness. I was also about 20lbs overweight, nothing to really worry about, but I definitely didn't feel or look my best.

Spurred on by a whim of inspiration, I went to the library and checked out the health and nutrition section. I had felt the quiet whisperings and nudging that comes from God to consider the foods I was eating. I came across a book that I have not seen since titled something to the effect, "Eat to Your Health." It was full of healthy nutrition advice and wonderful ideas. In one section the author spoke of food intolerances. She included what she called the "Safe Diet" where one eliminates all known allergens and common foods that people have intolerances to. Prompted to follow this advice from an All-knowing Father in Heaven, I followed the diet as prescribed.

It took an incredible amount of discipline as it was my first attempt ever at any sort of diet at all. My stomach problems almost immediately disappeared. I felt more energy and strength. After reintroducing each new food, one at a time, I was fine. That is until I had wheat again. And the stomach problems returned instantly. I knew for a fact that this was the cause of the sickness I had been experiencing for the past year. Over the period of the next few months I checked out several books on Celiac Disease, cooking Gluten Free and eliminating all forms of gluten from the diet. I avoided all gluten entirely for 7 years. Later, by experiment, I found I could tolerate small amounts of gluten and that I only have an intolerance (much like those who have Lactose Intolerance) and not true Celiac Disease.

The reason I tell of this experience is because it was the beginning of a lifelong love of learning about nutrition and healthy eating habits. It completely changed the way I look at food. I learned that food could be harmful or healing. I also learned to control and filter what went into my body, making a conscious, educated decision about what I feed myself and my family.

Another turning point for me was in 2007. I had to have kidney reconstructive surgery and found that after the surgery I struggled with severe depression. My mother is bipolar and several people in my family suffer with mental illness. I thought of her lifelong battle and wanted to do everything and anything I could possibly do to overcome the depression I was currently facing. I knew that healthy eating wasn't a problem for me, and I had felt that medication was not a good option for me. I began a new kind of research, that of treating depression naturally. Once a good diet is in place, as was mine, the next undeniable treatment is exercise. I had already witnessed the power of consistent and rigorous exercise in my life in the past, and it was time to implement it now.

That is how exercise became my anti-depressant. That year I committed to train for a triathlon and recruited a friend to train with. It ended up being one of the best decisions of my life. The summer of 2008 I had completed 2 triathlons and 4 5k's. I felt wonderful, energetic, and happy and I wanted to share that with other people. It was this genuine love for exercise and health, and my love of helping others, that inspired me to get my certification to become a personal trainer.

I learned that it is possible to overcome lousy genetics, bad eating habits, illness and disease. It is possible to regain your energy and vitality. God wants you to be healthy and happy and I know that He will inspire you, as He did me, to know what changes you need to make in your life. Perhaps you've already felt this inspiration come and have ignored it. Don't waste another day of your life waiting to feel better. I know you can do it, and I know that with prayer and guidance you can accomplish whatever health and fitness goals you aspire to achieve!