My Program

My 12 week program is designed to completely educate you on the basics of nutrition and exercise to help you with your goals whether they be fat loss, regaining energy and vitality or building lean muscle mass and transforming your body. You will receive a custom diet plan and exercise prescription. I will provide you with meal plans and ideas, snack ideas, and other tools to keep you on track and motivated. We cover one or two new principles a week so that you will have time to implement them and make permanent changes that you can live with for the rest of your life.

Although the education is the same for everyone, the specifics of the program, the diet plan and exercise prescription are tailored to fit your needs and goals. That is the benefit of having a personal trainer. Week by week we evaluate your progress so you never get stuck in a plateau or are left without tools to continue towards your goals. I am here to educate you, answer questions, troubleshoot and adapt the plan to ensure continual progress and eventual success.

In summary, what you get from the program:
  • Week by week instruction and accountability
  • Custom Diet Plan
  • Custom Weight Training Program for strength building 
  • Custom Weight Training Program for building lean muscle mass
  • Shopping Lists
  • Menu Plan
  • Snack ideas
  • Recipes
  • Informative reading material
  • 12 fat torching weekly workouts with me
  • Fitness test and body fat analysis
  • Flexible adaptable program to bust through plateaus
  • 12 nutrition classes to master the basics of fat loss

Sessions are 1 hour unless otherwise arranged. We spend the first 20-30 minutes on progress reporting and instruction and the last 30-40 minutes is intense exercise.
Each session consists of:
1) Weigh-in/measurements
2) Analysis of your week's progress and then I make any adjustments needed to keep you on course
3) Instruction, homework and Q&A
4) Then we sweat with a unique fat-burning workout!

The workouts you perform with me will be different than the workouts you do on your own, although I do encourage you to perform them whenever you are crunched for time or need to shake things up. These workouts are metabolically stimulating that will boost your fat loss efforts and reshape your body. During these workouts, we also focus on the more advanced principles of fitness like speed, balance, agility, core stability and power making you a more fit, youthful, athletic individual.

We use as little equipment as possible in our workouts together, making these no excuses workouts that can be performed anytime or anywhere! Fitness is available to anyone who has the will, not just the elite with money, good genetics and pricey gym memberships. This is why I have started an at-home program-for those who do not have the money or means to go to a gym.

However, for my clients who prefer a more structured environment and program, I suggest getting a membership where I currently have access to train at, Snap Fitness in Layton, UT. This location is located just northwest of the Maverick on Fairfield and Gordon. Their prices are reasonable and they are open 24/7 with security cameras and 911 buttons for safety. They have all the equipment necessary for one to have an exceptional weight training program and cardiovascular routine. This is where I train, and did so before I even became a personal trainer. For those who like to swim, I recommend getting a pass at Surf N Swim, located near the police station and Layton Library.

Some benefits to buying a gym membership:
  • Members of Snap get TWO FREE training sessions with me paid for by Snap
  • Lifting with weights is more effective at building lean muscle mass to increase your metabolism and increase strength
  • Working out at a gym can be more motivating for some because of the structure it provides
  • There are fewer distractions at the gym than at home
Some benefits to being an at home client:
  • It's more cost effective, there are no gym membership fees to pay
  • You pay me less per session if you recruit 2-3 people
  • It's easier to schedule sessions in the day when kids are at school and spouse at work
  • My at home clients get a 30 minute nutrition instruction with real object lessons (I can't take groceries or food to the gym.) For example when we are talking about snack ideas, I bring real healthy snack foods for you to see as examples. This is a bonus for visual learners like myself.

Because of my limited availability, I currently only offer at home training in the AM, on a completely casual basis (I have to bring my two preschool aged children with me and my time slots are limited.) I offer PM training on Tuesday nights and Thursday nights at Snap Fitness. Please contact me for any scheduling questions though because I am always willing to do whatever I can to accommodate my client's needs.

Here's an outline of my session time slots (availability subject to change):
  • Tuesday 9-11am and 6-7pm, 7-8pm, 8-9pm
  • Wednesday 9-11am
  • Thursday 9-11am and 6-7pm, 7-8pm, 8-9pm
  • Friday 9-10am

Right now, all potential clients are placed on a waiting list. Waiting times vary, but you will be given the soonest opening for the time slot that best suits your schedule.

Members at Snap get their first 2 sessions free, the next 4 sessions for $99 and the remaining sessions cost $40 for singles or $50 for doubles. Here's a breakdown:
  • For 1 person $113 monthly or $339 for the 3 months  
  • Doubles $133 monthly or $399 for the 3 months

My at-home package costs $45 per session for 1-3 individuals. It is most cost effective to split the cost between 2-3 people since the session costs $45 regardless. Maximum people is 3. Any additional individuals cost $10 per person per session on top of the base $45. I don't recommend more than 3 people, although I will make accommodations for more. Here's a breakdown:
  • For 3 people the per session rate is only $15! 
  • For 3 monthly cost is $60 or $180 in total for the 3 months 
  • For 2 people the per session rate is $22.50
  • For 2 monthly cost $90 or $270 for the total 3 months
  • For 1 person the per session rate is $45
  • For 1 monthly cost is $180 or $540 for the total 3 months

Ask me about any discounts or promotions that I may be offering at the time! I do offer discounts for referrals, so tell your friends about me!

For any further questions, please contact me at 801-529-8615.