Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rachael's Transformation Story


Her story
Rachael is one of the toughest clients I have trained (when I say tough I mean, tenacious and unyielding and that she is incredibly strong.) When she started my program, she was already in excellent cardiovascular condition and worked out regularly. She had completed a triathlon and enjoyed working out. But her workouts were ineffective for two reasons. She neglected to weight train and her diet was not in check. After learning how to incorporate fat burning foods into her diet and staying in "fat burning mode" through fat-blasting, metabolically stimulating workouts, she was finally able to break through a plateau and see real results for the first time in a long time. Incorporating the weight training helped to sculpt her body, and she put on 3lbs of muscle while dieting!

Rachael was not without obstacles along her transformation journey. She had to juggle being a mother to 3 young children, several responsibilities in her church and all this took place over the spring and summer when she had multiple vacations and trips! The odds were against her and she had several reasons to give up, but she never did. She was dedicated and willing to put in the work.

Because of her great commitment, she lost 16 lbs. of fat while simultaneously putting on shaping muscle. She finally looks like the athlete that she is! Completing such a challenging program has given her new confidence and a glow about her that just radiates. She plans to continue working with me, working towards her goal weight, but her transformation at the end of the 12 week program is amazing! With her focus and determination, I am sure she will achieve whatever goals she sets for herself!

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